Maurice Skillern



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MOTHER — I remember her,
 I saw her yesterday,
she told me something
but I did not listen

Oh what did mother say?

YOU held me in your loving arms
every time you thought you should,
and when I tried and failed
to conquer the world
it was you who understood.

I remember how you'd comfort me
When I faltered you'd always say,
"Do not fret my son
though hard as things seem now
they'll be easier one day."

MOTHER — I remember her,
I saw her yesterday, 
she told me something
but I did not listen
Oh what did mother say?

I remember you cleansed my mortal body
and when wrong you'd wash my soul,
but I thought that you would live forever
MOTHER when did you grow old?

When I saw you, your eyes they looked so tired
and your hair it looked so gray,
yet when I asked you mother
if help you needed,
"No" is all you'd say

You went on to say,
“Do not fret my son
though old age weighs heavily on me,
I have much to do
many tasks to complete
before God will set me free.”

MOTHER — I remember her,
 I saw her yesterday,
she told me something
but I did not listen
Oh what did mother say?

You would not always say to me
the things I’d want to hear,
I knew not then
you were weaning my innocence
now to me all things are clear.

When you told me “no”
sometimes I’d cry
then I’d look up at you,
and in wonder all my cries would cease
for you’d be crying too.

Oh mother though you're here no more
I now recall your tender words,
and when I think of you
in the here and now
those words can still be heard.

You gifted me with them
more oft than not
soothing words that you showed so true,
and from my heart now mother
though I said it not then;
in truth
"I love you too.

Copyright, 2004 Maurice Skillern; All rights reserved