Maurice Skillern



Official Website




office (706) 536-3272

fax (901) 432-6171

Maurice Skillern's

 Line of Products

Click on any picture to see a larger version.

Messages "Reflections of Being"

A Book of Poetic-Philosophy

Available in Hardback and Paperback

Click Here to view samples of the book.

2nd Edition Hardback

2nd Edition Paperback


Click here to see and purchase Messages Bookmarks



Messages E-Book Cover Design 1                                Messages Ebook Cover Design 2
Cover Design # 1                                                           Cover Design # 2


Choose Cover Type


eBook Navigational Instruction Page

You will need Adobe Reader to read and enjoyed the enhance eBook on your computer.  

Free copies of the reader can be downloaded from:



Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow"

Click here to hear samples

Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow" CD

  Click Here to Hear Samples of the CD

View the inside of CD Booklet

Maurice Skillern CD Cover Page 2  Maurice Skillern CD Page 3  Maurice Skillern CD Page 4

 Baseline International Music LogoTM    Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow" Back of CD Case Picture

CD Produced and Distributed by  MusicBaseline International Music


Number of CD's



Messages Illistration T-Shirts


Maurice Skillern "Messages" Book Cover Illistration T-Shirt     Maurice Skillern Messages Illistration T-Shirt Tomorrows Child     Maurice Skillern Messages Illistration T-Shirt Art of War

T-Shirts are sold through

Baseline  International  Gear


President Barrack Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright



Brothers at War
DVD Version (inHD)
President Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright

Click here to see video

President Barrack Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Cover version # 1

(5 minute, history filled video
accompanied  by the spoken word piece
"Blade of Execution" from the CD
Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow") $ 9.00

Choose Version

Brothers at War
Computer Version (inHD)
President Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright

Click here to see video

President Barrack Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Cover version #

(5 minute, history filled video
accompanied  by the spoken word piece
"Blade of Execution" from the CD
Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow") $ 9.00

Choose Version



Brothers at War
Obama - Wright

President Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright T-shirts

Brother's at War # 1

Brothers at War
Obama - Wright

Brother's at War # 2

Small- Medium- Large

$3.00 discount with 2 or more purchase.

Discount will be shipped with purchase

1X Large to 3X Large

$3.00 discount with 2 or more purchase.

Discount will be shipped with purchase

4x Large to 6X Large

$3.00 discount with 2 or more purchase.

Discount will be shipped with purchase


Coming Soon

Chronicles From The Brink
"Echos from the Edge of Reason"

Maurice Skillern continues his writing odyssey with Poetic-Philosophy with exciting new material. The new pieces present a dichotomy of mental exploration that on one hand has the familiar flavoring of his book Messages "Reflections of Being" and yet in symbiotic contrast houses new and enriching flavors that clearly demonstrate his maturation in this line of writing.

Be on the lookout for this new and exciting collection.

Coming Soon

BackBoard Warrior


Despair, escape, survival, these are the daily thoughts that assail Mathew Joshua Hood, he was born to a hostile world where in all appearances it seemed he was four steps behind from the onset. He and his family reside on what he sees as a tenuous beachhead in a continuous war for true freedom and  acceptance outside of the prison walls of prejudice and hate built by his society

Born with the heart of a warrior this rage is sometimes without bounds, he fights as mush against himself as against the debasing aspects of his world at large. The basketball court has become his primary field of battle and upon it he wages war with the skills of long dead generals. The question in all of this being, will he develop the focused discipline to become a soldier before the fires of his warriors heart engulfs all that he holds dear?


More Products to Come......


Maurice Skillern Raging Lion






