Maurice Skillern



Official Website




office (706) 536-3272

fax (901) 432-6171

Maurice Skillern's Videos

The videos can also be found on YouTube, Vemeo, Metcalf and many other internet video services. 


Undaunted Love

Undaunted Love; Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King
from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo

This is a dedication to Martin Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King. Their Love endured the prejudice of a nation as well as the ravages of time.
Their love was undeminished by their brief parting;
Now they have
Let us never forget the beauty that they brought into the world

"We will meet them again-in the grace of the
for none truly die who accept him into their hearts.

Mahalia Jackson is also included in the video
she is singing the song that she sang at
Martin Luther Kings Funeral.



My Madness/ My Gift
from the book

"Messages "Reflections of Being" by

Maurice Skillern

Click here to see the video in HD.

All of us have approached the brink in one of its many facets at one time or another within the boundaries of our mortal lives. Yet I have stood on the threshold of insanity since I reached the age of know, fighting the impotent promises made by the void (in forms of tender welcomes) with force of will alone.

Yet you be the arbiter for man has ever desired and conceded to judge his peers, leading to some of its greatest thinkers being labeled insane because their thoughts outdistanced the status quo: and if I be judged sane then enjoy these gifts of sight my creator has bestowed onto me in peace; but if I be judged insane then beware these unearthly scriptures, for once tasted insanity becomes a desired seasoning to the palate of imagination, insatiable in its need, undeniable in its acquisition.


Unlife from the book

"Messages "Reflections of Being" by

Maurice Skillern


Unlife from the book "Messages "Reflections of Being" by
Maurice Skillern.
from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo

Abortion is a choice but the final Judgment is in

Creators hands.

(Video Produced by  Maurice Skillern)



Revelations, from the book

Messages "Reflections of Being" by

Maurice Skillern

Revelations, from the book Messages "Reflections of Being" by Maurice Skillern from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo

Those that speak casually of WAR are usually misinformed and inexperienced in its true horror.
Those that know the truth of WAR will not speak of it, for they are amongst the living casualties who (in their misfortune) recount

"to well"
the bitter memories of the atrocities they have endured.

(Video Produced by Maurice Skillern



Blade of Execution
Brothers at War"
President Barack Obama - Reverend Jeremiah Wright;
 from the book "Messages" by Maurice Skillern.

Click here to view video in (HD) "High Definition"

Spoken Word Piece from the CD
 Messages  "I Dreamed Tomorrow" by Maurice Skillern

-Video from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo-

The video proactively comments on President Barack Obama - Reverend Jeremiah Wright situation. It seeks to give incite on the troubling realities of hatred and betrayal; for they are titans amongst mankind's elite. They often raise their ugly maw at the most unsuspecting times, granting the false gold of ego  elevation to the most tempestuous hearted. They (hatred and betrayal) are gods of misperception and they are ever unselective in choosing the vassals that preach their divisive message.


Road Trip To Chicago To Tape "What Shall We Read" 2007.


Maurice Skillern Interview Video from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo.


A piece "The Dark" from the book Messages by
Maurice Skillern.

The piece is being read by Maurice and it can be found on the CD Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow"

The Dark by Maurice Skillern from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo


The Piece
being read by Maurice Skillern.

Mother by Maurice Skillern from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo


Infini Promoters interview
from the program
What Shall We Read 2007

"Infini Promoters" interview from Maurice Skillern on Vimeo


More Video's to Come!

Come Back Soon...

Maurice Skillern



Maurice Skillern




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Maurice Skillern




Maurice Skillern at Work




Maurice Skillern Book Signing




Maurice Skillern Peace not War




Maurice Skillern "Thinker"




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Maurice Skillern

Florida Trip 43rd Birthday 



Maurice Skillern 

Florida Trip 43rd Birthday  


Maurice Skillern

At Home Memphis