Maurice Skillern



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Enhanced eBook Navigation
Instruction Page



First and foremost; thank you for purchasing a copy of Messages “Reflections of Being” enhanced eBook; it is an innovative project produced and published by Baseline International Publishing LLC. The instructions for navigating throughout the Enhanced eBook can be found below 



Messages Enhance eBook                                        Messages Enhanced eBook

  Messages "Reflections of Being"                                 Messages "Reflections of Being" 

  Cover Design # 1                      Cover Design # 2 


  1. The first  screen you will see after inserting the disk into your CD drive will be the licensing agreement screen. This is an general single user agreement for the use of  the CD. After reviewing the licensing agreement you will have to accept the terms to advances and access the eBook and the extras included on the CD.

  2. The next screen you will see will be the eBook navigational instructions (see below)which will instruct you on how to move throughout the eBook.(after viewing the navigation instructions just close this screen).

  3. The next screen to open will be where you enter the password (which can be found inside of the disk case the eBook came within).

  4. We recommend that you view the videos found through the extra's link on the CD with Windows Media Player. Open the player first then click on the video.

(click here to download a copy of Windows Media Player)

Messages eBook Navigational Instructions

1. To freely move about the eBook use the hyperlinks (click on the poem  titles on the index pages) to go to each individual poem or writing. Or, you   may choose to advance to each page using the space bar or mouse button.

2. Return to the page of origin from the page last viewed by pointing and  clicking on the blue symbol  §  (a hyperlink) just under and to the right of the Titles. Also, return to the illustration page in the index by      clicking on the same symbol below the pictures.

3. When viewing the illustrations (under the written work) after reading the poem or writing, advance to the next page and click on the symbol  § (a hyperlink) to return to the index where you began.

4. When using the space bar to advance forward, if you wish to go back to the page last viewed right click (or left click) your mouse. You can also use your arrow keys.

5. Many of the pieces have more than one page (Mother, Undaunted  Love etc..) so be sure (after you start reading a piece) to advance until you come to the next title heading by hitting your space bar (or mouse  button), this will ensure you enjoy the whole piece.

6. Once you arrive at a piece if it appears to extend beyond the bottom of  the page click, hold, and move your mouse upward to move the whole page up so that you can view the bottom of the page, or just hit your  space bar.  

7. The Enhanced eBook version of  Messages "Reflections of Being" also  has sound added to many of the pieces. The recordings are from the CD    Messages "I Dreamed Tomorrow" also by Maurice Skillern. The pieces  with sound will have a picture of a microphone on the upper left side of the page. Click on the picture (microphone) to enjoy hearing the author, Maurice Skillern, reading the selected piece. After listening to a piece advance to the next page using the arrow key (or mouse). If you press the space bar here it will start the piece (being read) over again. To stop a piece that is being read just hit the  Esc key on your keyboard.  

8. When you are done reading simply hit escape (Esc) key on your keyboard to   lose the eBook. This action will take you to the general adobe screen. On  this screen you  can either continue on to close the eBook; enlarge the text of  the eBook or just continue reading.

9. If after hitting the escape key you then wish to continue reading in the full   screen mode. Just go to the window button on your upper tool bar (inside adobe reader) then hit full screen view on the drop down menu or just close  and reopen the book.    

I sincerely hope that these instructions assist
wih you having an pleasant experience with the  enhanced eBook “Messages”.  
